We are Taxis Libres, a leading company in the automotive sector in Colombia with more than 30 years of experience. We firmly believe that innovation in mobility is one of the paths to sustainable development.
What benefits does the Taxis Libres Driver App offer you?
🛡️ Security: We geolocate all your trips, identify passengers, and we are a company that is jointly responsible for any eventuality.
🚨 Panic button: Allows you to report incidents on your trips in real time. Panic reports reach our Contact Center 24/7 and are linked to the support network we have with the National Police. * Applies to Bogotá and Cali.
🧑💻 24/7 Support: Our Contact Center offers you comprehensive telephone support 24/7. In addition, you can file Requests, Complaints or Suggestions through our Help Center in the Taxis Libres App or on our website.
🕊️ No permanence clauses or ties: You can purchase Taxis Libres App Conductor regardless of which company the vehicle you drive is affiliated with.
👛 Bimoney Wallet: All earnings from your card and QR services will be deposited in your Bimoney digital wallet within 8 hours. You choose when to withdraw them and we also put the entire Efecty network at your disposal nationwide so you can make your withdrawals.
👔 Transportation for companies: Mobilize employees from more than 800 companies with which we have a corporate transportation agreement. Companies request these services with Digital Vouchers and we deposit the money in your My Profile App, where you choose whether to claim it at our facilities or transfer it to your Bimoney wallet.
🤑 Integrated channels: You can apply for the services that the traveler performs through their Traveler App, through our telephone lines, our WhatsApp with Artificial Intelligence or our website. All of them will arrive in your Driver App and you can earn more earnings.
🏬 Free Taxis Zones: With the Free Taxis Driver App you can enter authorized parking zones in establishments where we have a presence, pick up travelers and further increase your earnings. * Applies to Bogotá and Cali.
👨🏼🎓 Professional growth and alliances: Access courses, training and certifications through our Induction and Training department, as well as discounts with universities and commercial establishments.
📍 Coverage: We have a presence in Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Cúcuta, Bucaramanga, Manizales and the surrounding municipalities of these cities.
What is the price of Taxis Libres Driver App?
If you live in Bucaramanga, Medellín, Cúcuta or Manizales, you will only pay 600 per service.
If you live in Bogotá or Cali, you will pay for the first few months of using the App and then you can choose to pay again monthly or by refills. With either payment method, you will receive benefits:
If you choose to pay monthly, we will offer you a 2x1 benefit (Two drivers driving the same taxi will pay a single monthly fee).
If you choose to pay by refills, you will pay 10% for each service you complete. Keep in mind that we will never deduct more than 2,000, even if the service costs more than 20,000. For example, if the trip costs 50,000, you will only pay 2,000.
What should I do to start working with Taxis Libres App?
Write us to our WhatsApp for driver support 320 4110406
Gather the necessary documentation: Operating card, Ownership card, ID card on both sides, Photo of the complete Card, Driver's license on both sides. We will create your contract and tell you the steps to follow so you can start booking services.
Do you have any questions or comments?
Go to taxislibres.com.co/conductores or write to us at WhatsApp 320 4110406.
Taxis Libres Conductor needs the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission to manage nearby services in real time.
Three errors reported in Crashlytics from the previous version have been corrected.
The payment method bug that is displayed in the new services is solved.
An adjustment is made in the pricing form for services without a destination, now the driver enters the value of the trip at the end of the service.
New taximeter module comes into operation, for better pricing of services with destination.
An adjustment is made in the way of accessing the preferences data, to avoid failure when completing the service.
Adjustments are made to database access to solve errors that cause the application to close.
-New map in night mode after 7 pm and until 6 am.
-New chat function with central, without leaving the application, for devices with an Android version greater than 7.1.1.
-Now you can start chat with central, from the service details screen.
-New home screen (Splashscreen)
Taxis Libres Conductor 2.4.0:
*Implementation SDK Driver and Navigation: Management of service assignment through Google's ODRD solution and improvement in the navigation experience guided by the route to the origin and destination of the service.
*Correction of the application icon on android 13 devices.
*Corrections view cancel service.
*Correction side menu.
*Remote config for time interval, location reporting.
Free Taxis Driver 2.3.0:
*Certifications and characteristics.
*Update messaging service.
*New service history UI.
Free Taxis Driver 2.3.0:
*Certifications and characteristics.
*Update messaging service.
*New service history UI.
Taxis Libres Conductor 2.1.50:
*Solution to error feedback in nokia and vivo
*Solution to the case that the screen freezes when creating street service with a voucher.
*Failure in the visibility of the service key alert
*Locking of the map view due to incorrect instantiation
*Correction of location reporting from Android 8
*Update of the app's database library version
Free Taxis Driver 2.1.48:
*Consumption of new parametric service.
*Minor fixes.
Taxis Libres Conductor Version 2.1.43:
*Solution that allows showing the balance or the expiration date, the date is shown only when qap is enabled.
*Tip is added to the total cost.
*Bug solution for night/Sunday/holiday surcharge.
message notification window.
Card to the press photo or company logo (Bogotá only)
-Controlled test locations.
-Bimoney Balance Correction.
- Validation if the user has a balance in the bimoney wallet. (Bogotá)
- Shows a message that the wallet must be recharged in the postulate. (Bogotá)
- The wallet balance is shown above the name.
Option to enter service on Covid-19 street is eliminated
Correction version 1.5.11
-It is attached if the service has a tip.
-Corrections in Cúcuta.
-Internal taximeter.
Good morning
- Correction same service 2 times on screen.
- The Service is terminated by entering the value if it does not arrive priced.
Android 5.1
It is corrected so that it is not invasive.
-Change background color sending key.
-Closing session every 8 hours.
-Bimoney image.
-Payment form on the finish screen.
-Correction Services pasted.
-The automatic busy is disabled.
-Marks are removed when creating service.
- Correction of Stops.
- Service canceled correction
- Recover service when you login (If you have)
- Automatic correction
- Method of payment in the HR.
- Service distance in postulate.
- Facebook SDK
-Audio of the services, correction.
Free Taxis Driver 1.4.4
- Configuration is implemented that allows the entry to the application in a single device by selected mail of the driver, this to avoid the entry of the same mail in several devices.
- Solution is implemented to news reported by support.
- Admission correction for Android 4.4.2
Correction on some phones
-Application in vertical (devices less than 6 inches)
- Do not let the driver start service if he is not up to date.
- Regulation of the company in the application.
-Give the option in automatic postulate that the driver decides what services he wants in automatic.
-If the screen is pressed and there is no service, do not send "Assigned Service to another Mobile".
-Correct locations fake on Android 6 and up.
-Correction Rate User.
1. New Image Luxury Taxis, Premium Taxi, and Taxi.
2. Color Change on the main screen for luxury taxis.
3. Inavación of screen if a service arrives by automatic.
4. Correction of time out of service if there is no data.
5. Error correction.
1. Message if the driver applies and does not remain in the service.
2. Automatic service assignment correction, whether it is busy or QRT.
3. Do not show distance from the service if it is greater than 1600 meters.
4. If the statement is red, it can not be made available.
Mr. Peña, the only one who defended, protected and was of heart and soul next to the taxi drivers and of us who work in Free Taxis, and has a good position more than won in Heaven.
1. Automatic Reservation Announcement.
2. Url of my profile.
3. SGS logo.
4. Accept terms and data processing.
5. Route at the end of Service (Vouchers).
6. Function related to decree 220
1. When the service arrives to postulate the screen lights up completely. 2. It increased the time from 10 to 20 seconds for the display of the service to Postulate (Only Bucaramanga and Manizalez). 3. An information chronometer of the time of arrival to collect the service was placed. 4. User rating in 5 stars by default.
-Bluetooth connection is eliminated. -Solo Reseva if account statement is green (Cali) -It can not cancel but is close to the service. -List of Municipalities for services with Vale (Bogota)
Correction Service Completed.